Dubai Rally

escort VIP Dubai

To some, this may seem strange. Well, as it is - to spend two or three weeks in one of the most arid and lifeless parts of the planet overcoming pain, thirst and lack of equipment in the local transport infrastructure. Yes, really, overcoming the usual “speed bump” will be torture - any European would say!

Only the one who was not a guest in the countries of the Middle East ...

Take, for example, the largest and most famous city in the UAE - Dubai. Surprisingly, but as regards the quality of the roads, they are absolutely in no way inferior to the famous German autobahn. Moreover, quite recently a very expensive show was even arranged.

As a reference, two glasses with ordinary water were used, each of which was watched by a spectacular girl from the escort VIP Dubai class agencies, whose task was not to drop a drop of water. The competition, of course, was fun, but the winner was not that important ...

In fact, the rich people of the United Arab Emirates prefer the same off-road car brand. Moreover, they are so accustomed to, let's say, SUVs that they are racing right across the desert. By the way, competent girls of the Dubai elite escort proactively leave the salon of these very expensive, but deadly cars.

For a very long time, it was generally accepted throughout the world that the suffocating wind, waterless spaces, the merciless sun and the suffocating heat make certain geographic regions uninhabitable.

Today everything has changed. Very rich people. world celebrities, stars of show business rushed right here - to oases in the middle of the desert. Let even man-made. What do they want to see?

Yes, all the same:

• immaculately clean beaches and mesmerizing ocean waves;

• exotic local culture, customs, gastronomic wonders;

• an absolutely incredible mixture of traditions and customs of ancient peoples and modern ways.

Still, the most characteristic attribute of a local resident is not the so-called “Arafat”. A dazzling white car off-road class. And it's not even in bling - it is known that black color has certain properties of attracting sunlight. Then, as white color either pushes away, or at least does not attract.

In this way, to replace the famous Ships of the Desert, slowly wandering along the endless sands, a man put on Powerful Machines and sets up a race for hours.

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