When it comes to the United Arab Emirates, in the minds of most ordinary people associate with the vast desert, intolerable heat and lack of comfort. Meanwhile, one of the leading centers of this exotic state can give odds to the most famous tourist spots, including European ones.
In the center of the empire of sand today fashionable hotels and prestigious shops rise. The famous stars of show business, accompanied by beauties from the Dubai elite escort agencies, recognized directors and producers, aspire to the most luxurious music videos here.
Moreover, it is here in recent years the most significant and prestigious sporting events are held. And all this is largely due to the developed infrastructure, which was created recently, literally in the middle of a lifeless desert.
In fact, consider Dubai a desert land is not entirely fair. The fact is that the city itself is located in close proximity to the waters of the Persian Gulf. Accordingly, these lands can not be called desert. In many respects, this is the reason for such a rapid flowering associated with a number of conditions:
• a seaport located on one of the busiest trade routes;
• favorable climate providing comfortable living and working conditions;
• affordable international fiscal policy, which allows significant savings on tax payments.
Is it any wonder that Dubai is developing at such a rapid pace? The locals themselves sometimes forget that the capital of their state is Abu. It was the port of Dubai that became the symbol of the country, its business center and pulse concentration. With the insane speed, modern skyscrapers have grown here, and the number of Dubai escort agency companies has reached the level of the leading tourist capitals of the world.
Absolutely impeccable tourist infrastructure, a variety of gastronomic delights, accommodation for every taste - all this is paid close attention. But, besides this, tourists are attracted here by the exotic. And this exotic is not connected with the extreme conditions of the desert.
The local mixture of ancient cultures is wonderfully combined with the wise tolerance of the inhabitants and the highest degree of comfort. No wonder in these places since ancient times so important attached oases - these sources of life-giving moisture, peace and grace. And Dubai in this sense is truly the brightest pearl.