Among the many attractions of the largest and most famous city in the United Arab Emirates, there is one remarkable place designed for really wealthy people. We are talking about the Dubai "Golden Market". This is a favorite place of Arab sheikhs, royal persons, famous politicians and businessmen, representatives of the world of cinema and show business, bankers and successful businessmen, accompanied by girls of the category Dubai elite escort ladies, who are striking on the spot with their dazzling beauty!
And the malls themselves are more like a museum or treasury. Although the market is called "gold", there are more than gold items on the shelves. The market literally shines with precious stones and precious metals.
The audience visiting this shopping center looks to match all this splendor. Wealthy people from all over the world are attracted by unique opportunities that are simply impossible to find in any other country in the world:
• a chance to purchase a piece of jewelry or thing with a unique local flavor;
• the ability to bargain, which is what local sellers love to do;
• impeccable quality of the offered goods.
Of course, the prices on the Dubai Gold Market are quite high. But here nobody is forced to buy anything. Many come here as an excursion, with a desire to plunge into the world of luxury, beauty, wealth and grace.
The Dubai gold market is visited by a wide variety of audiences from all over the world. People in national clothes are not uncommon here. But mostly it is customary to come here in expensive suits and chic evening dresses. But visiting the market alone is not accepted. Men who come to Dubai most often resort to the help of charming beauties from high-class escort agency in Dubai, which provide professional escort services.
In the catalog posted on our website, you can easily choose a dazzling beauty, both of Arab appearance and European appearance. Any of them is not only fluent in several foreign languages, but also perfectly knows the city, the mentality of local residents, traditions and customs. This allows us to solve almost any problems and issues, from the everyday level to the professional one.